The Best Lost, Season 6, Episode 8 Quotes

James: What are you, like a... Indiana Jones or somethin'?
Charlotte: Yes. I'm exactly like Indiana Jones.
James: You got a whip?
Charlotte: Maybe...

- I spent the last two days dragging their bodies up here.
- I didn't feel it was right to leave them out there in the sun.
- Are you alone?
- No. I'm with a group of people back on the main island.
- I can take you back there. oh, thank god.
- Trust me, god's got nothing to do with it.

- That way, they could kill you...
- Which means they'll be caught with their pants down when we change our plan of attack.
- I appreciate your loyalty, James.
- You said you were gonna get me off this island.
- Deal's a deal.

- May I come in? absolutely not.
- Why not? you don't get to kick me out at 3:00 in the morning, then come 'round the next day with puppy dog eyes and a sad sunflower.
- Look, I don't know if you're just lonely or guilty or completely mad.
- But you know what?
- I don't care. You blew it.

James: [to Zoe] You're good, sweetheart, but you're not that good.

- What're you doin' running my card? you lied to me!
- We're supposed to trust each other.
- So, Jim... what were you doing in Australia?
- That's none of your damn business.
- You know what? You're right...
- Because I'm not your partner anymore.

- The black smoke killed them.
- Hey.
- I know that what happened back there was really scary.
- But it's over.
- You're with me now, and I promise that I'm gonna take care of you.
- Ok? All right, let's move out.

Kate: Pretty insightful for a dead guy.
John: Well, no one's perfect...

- Well, not bad, considering we didn't have that whip.
- Bring it next time.
- You want some water? yes, please.
- You mind if I borrow a t-shirt? help yourself.
- Top drawer on the right. thanks.

- What the hell are you doing?
- I was just looking for a t-shirt.
- What did you see? nothing, just that you had...
- That picture fell out.
- I was trying to put it back.
- What did you see?!
- Nothing! I didn't see anything. get the hell out.
- James, just let me explain. get out!

- I gave them the opportunity to leave peacefully, and they didn't take it. why not?
- Because they're convinced that they're protecting the island from me, when, in fact, all I wanna do is leave.
- So it's either kill or be killed.
- And I don't want to be killed.

- Look, I go out with her, you gonna leave me alone?
- Throw in one of those lakertickets, hell, yes, I will.
- Look, I'm already pulling strings with this guy.
- It's just... I don't know if I can get another seat.
- You know you can tell me the truth... about anything.
- Are you lying to me, man? why the hell would I lie?

- You are... unbelievable.
- You're not too shabby yourself, sweetheart.
- Baby? yeah?
- Weren't you supposed to meet that guy at 9:00?
- It's eight... forty-two.
- Damn it!

- Do we have an agreement?
- I suppose we do.

- I'm sorry that this happened.
- And I'm sure, if you give her time, everything will be all right.
- I promised before that
- I would keep everyone safe, and that means you, too, Kate.
- Where did Sawyer go?
- I'll show you.

- And what do you want in exchange, James?
- One, the people I come back with, the people on my boat, don't get touched, not even a hair on their head.
- You give us safe passage off the island.
- How do I know I can trust you?
- Same way I know I can trust you.

- Police! Drop the gun!
- Behind your back.
- Cuttin' it a little close, huh? only way to cut it.
- Put your damn clothes on, Jim. you got it, partner.
- You're a cop? surprise.
- Let's go. Move.

- Problems that I'm still trying to work my way through.
- Problems that...
- Could have been avoided, had things been different.
- Why are you telling me this?
- Because now... Aaron...
- Has a crazy mother, too.

- What are you talking about? who are you?
- Put your weapon down!
- Drop it now!
- Your name even Zoe?
- Is yours Sawyer?
- Down on your knees! all right, all right. You got me.
- Take me to your leader.

- I'm gonna kill him.
- Why didn't you tell me any of this?
- I knew you'd try and talk me out of it.
- Damn right.
- Fair enough.
- My car! Hey!

James: I know there's a man over there on that island that ain't gonna let us get on that plane without a fight. Came over on a sub. Name's Widmore.
John: Charles Widmore?
James: Well, I guess y'all know each other.

- She took him! She took Aaron!
- Claire, you had disappeared.
- Kate couldn't find you.
- She did what she had to do.
- She took Aaron!
- She can't just do that!
- This is completely inappropriate.
- All right?
- Now... you go over there.
- I'll deal with you in a minute.
- You all right? no, I'm not all right!

- That is not Locke.
- Yeah, I know.
- Whoever he is, he says he can get us off this damn island.
- Icantleave.
- Sun could be here somewhere.
- Fine. If she's here, you got my word.
- We ain't leaving without her.
- What's that? they're back.

- Do you believe Locke? what do you mean?
- That he can get us off the island. yes, I believe him.
- Sayid, are you all right?

- Tell me the truth.
- Well... I guess I...
- Got to a point in my life where I was either gonna become a criminal or a cop.
- So I chose cop.
- What?
- You know what.

- Tell 'em whatever you need to tell 'em to gain their trust, find out everything you can about them, and then get back here.
- Why exactly am I doing this again?
- Why do you think, James?
- We get on that plane, we fly off this island, and we never look back.
- Come on.

John: [to Sawyer] You are the best liar I have ever met.

James: Is your name even Zoe?
Zoe: Is yours Sawyer?

- Hey, you hear that?
- That's what life's all about...
- Laughing and loving each other...
- And knowing that people aren't really gone when they die.
- We have all the good memories to sustain us until we see 'em again.
- It's hard not being afraid, pa.
- I know, sweetheart.
- I know.