The Best Scandal, Season 3, Episode 2 Quotes

[last lines]
Olivia: [answering her phone] I never want to speak to you again.
Rowan: Open your front door.
Olivia: Go to hell!
Rowan: Open - your front door.
Olivia: [opens her door and Jake stumbles in]
Rowan: Sunday, my house, 7:00. I'll choose the wine.
Jake: Hi.

Huck: Olivia, is your father "Command?"
Olivia: ...Yes. He is.

Cyrus: Sir, I told you, there's no way we can make B-613 do anything.
President: It's a simple choice, Cy. Door number one, I tell the truth and the both of us get kicked out of this White House. Door number two, I admit to the Jeannine affair and Jake gets released. What's it gonna be? Because I'm about to go on live television and need to know what to say. How presidential are my balls now, Cy?

[first lines]
Huck: [sitting on the Metro platform 5 years ago] Dinner with your dad?
Olivia: Every Sunday. You want a doggie bag?
Huck: Every Sunday. Thanks.

Olivia: [5 years ago in Metro station] You can tell me. You can trust me.
Huck: I was a trained assassin for a secret offshoot of the CIA on US soil called B-613 run by a man called "Command" in a paper company that's not really a paper company. It's called Acme Limited, but really it's called Wonderland. Acme's in Wonderland. Welcome to Wonderland, son. Then they put me in a hole, and then I wasn't so good at my job anymore. And then I wasn't in Wonderland anymore. I was here, but I can still, I can kill a man with very little effort and a lot of joy, but I try not to. Okay?
Olivia: Is there medication you should be taking, or anyone I should call? Huck?
Huck: Do you think you and your dad could eat at a place with cheeseburgers? I want a cheeseburger.

Olivia: I will stay away from you. I will stay away from what you do, but in return, you will do the same, because this is over! We are done!
Rowan: We are family, sweetie. We're never done.