The Best Suits, Season 5, Episode 1 Quotes

Mike: What is this?
Harvey: A copy of Brides Magazine.
Mike: Why is it on my desk?
Harvey: How else are you gonna pick your colors?
Mike: Colors? What are colors? How do you know what they are?
Harvey: Because I'm a grown man.
Mike: Really? 'Cause you sound more like a grown woman.
Harvey: That's very hurtful.

Donna: Today is the day I work for you.
Louis: Oh, my God. I can't believe it. This is really happening? What do we do first? I mean, I'm so goddamn turned on right now.
Donna: I don't know. Maybe we could get a jump on some of the things that have been piling up since Norma.
Louis: Well, my Dictaphone's at full capacity, it's about to burst.
Donna: Well, I could help you with that.
Louis: Would you?
Donna: Of course. That's my job. Relieving the pressure on your Dictaphone.

Mike: What about the bubble? There's no Donna in the bubble.
Rachel: Come on, there's room for Donna in the bubble.
Mike: You realize I get to sleep with whoever's in the bubble, right?
Rachel: So long as you realize that my dad's in the bubble.
Mike: Donna it is.