The Best Carmine Lupertazzi Jr. Quotes

Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: We don't call it a "sit down" because of the inclimate implications.

Christopher: J.T., I want to introduce you to Carmine Lupertazzi: my co-executive producer on the project.
Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: [To J.T] I heard the tidbits of what Chrissy's got in mind, the genre, and so forth. I've got to warn you, I'm very hands on and I learned that the hard way.
Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: [to everyone in the room] I want to welcome all of you to the first meeting of possible investors on this project. Some of you know I've had nine pictures under my sub species: four in The South Beach Strumpet series alone, each with thirty thousand plus DVDs in print. That being said I usually find it helpful at this stage to include to my prospective partners and get your inputs, or "notes" as we call them.
Christopher: J.T., you're on.
J.T. Dolan: Well, we've been working on a new kind of slasher film, it takes in the world of... you know...
Christopher: [Interrupts him] It"s about a wise guy with a big mouth, and bigger dreams.
J.T. Dolan: Anyway, they call him "The Butcher".
Silvio: No, they don't.
Christopher: Why the fuck not?
Silvio: Need I remind you of a certain "Butcher" out of AC?
Christopher: Right, not "butcher", go on J.T.
J.T. Dolan: Right, so his kind of outshining his boss so the guy has him clipped, but he's still alive when they cut him up.
Vito: [Jokingly before everyone laughs] Oh, he's going to feel that the next day.
J.T. Dolan: Right, so at the dump his body reassembles itself all except for a hand that got crushed. So he ties a cleaver onto the stump and he goes out to get revenge on everyone especially the boss which is a pretty solid role. Right now its call "Pork Store Killer", but I'm thinking just "Cleaver".
Larry: I'm confused, you said he's dead.
Vito: How is he "evening" up on everybody? He's a ghost?
Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: [Clarifying the main character in the movie to everyone] as I understood it: a zombie of sorts. Great title by the way.
Patsy: But if they jointed him, he's not going to end up all in the same dump.
Silvio: And how is that a slasher film?
Christopher: What're you talking about?
Silvio: A slasher: Couple kids naked in the lake, a certified manic on the loose, not a ghost.
J.T. Dolan: Actually the manic is almost always a supernatural force: Freddy, Jason, Michael Myers from Halloween...
Silvio: Get the fuck out...
Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: Easy Sil, he's making a point.
Silvio: Michael Myers is an escape mental patient. Jason and Freddy, different kind of movie.
Christopher: That's the kind we're doing here. Saw, The Ring, they made millions, and that's not even including The Godfather angle which we got here.
Benny: What if they disposed him at stops that happened to be along the same route? Then he would all end up all in the same dump.
Vito: But he's a ghost? I don't know.
Christopher: Ghostbusters, another fuckin' money machine!

Phil: [to Tony, from his window] That's right, cocksucker! Go back to New Jersey!
Little: Phil, what are you doin'?
Phil: Take that piece of shit and get off my stoop!
Little: But we just talked about this.
Phil: Well, cooler heads prevailed.
Little: Uncle Philly!
Phil: Uncle Philly, my ass!

Little: [when Tony and Carmine show up at Phil's home] Butch, how are ya?
Butch: Phil's not accepting any visitors right now
Little: I just talked to him on the phone
Butch: I just talked to him in person: he ain't seeing nobody
Little: [before gesturing to Tony] what's going on Butch? I just "brokered" this "thing." He came here making a peace offering: a semi trail of drills: Makitas
Butch: we don't want your fuckin drills
Tony: [pats Carmine on his shoulder] fuck it, let's go

Carmine: We have this ritual at my house for years, our kids are in boarding school, every night I come from work strip down, jump naked in the pool, Nicole brings me a scotch and water, we sit, relax a little, talk, I go up to bed the air conditioning, she brings me a light dinner on a trey, one night during all that fighting with John, I come home, I'm exhasted, so tired, so tense I skip the pool, I go right upstairs flop on the bed, Nicole comes up with the drink and she says "darling, I think its you took a rest", I say '"yeah I'm gona,we'll take a vacation", she says" that's not what I what I meant, I don't want to be the wealthiest widow on Long Island,I want you to quit now", I'm not ashamed to say this, but she made me cry, that wonderful, loving woman, that dream with my father with the empty box, it wasn't about being boss, it was about being happy.

George: [FBI wiretap recording from an undercover FBI van] Cafe Napoli
Tony: George, its Anthony
George: Your fucking ears must be ringing I just left your friend, the son crying the blues over the situation between you and that outfit over there
Tony: That's why I'm calling I need you to reach out to the "little guy"
George: His not happy with Phil neither
Tony: I know, you're not a part of that family, your basically retired, everybody trusts you, what I'm thinking you supply a location, guarantee everybody's safety
George: I could do that
George: [At a secret sit down meeting in closed construction warehouse]
George: Anybody want a water? The guys are already here, they've been patted down too
Butch: We started it? We got a dead comare in Queens and her old Ukrainian father
Tony: I'm not even going to blame Phil, John Sacrimoni my friend I'm sorry to say was an insecure guy, he created a constant tension within his family which spilled over, go ahead Carmine George was good enough to broker this meeting for us? You just going to sit there?
Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: It didn't have to be this way
Butch: We agree it's got too far, Phil's changed, you got my word we'll back off
Tony: My price is you help us get a location on Phil
Butch: I can't go there, but you do what you gotta do
Tony: One more thing, you hit my brother in law
Butch: So?
Tony: This is my sister we're talking about, she's got to see something out of this
Butch: We'll come up with a number?
[They all shake hands and leave]

Little: Yoou're at the precipice, Tony, of an enormous crossroads.

Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: [In little Carmine's living room] As you all know, Phil asked me to arrange this meeting after the fire in the Wire Room
Phil: Correction, you asked me to attend and I agreed
Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: Fair enough, I'm not going to call this a "sit-down" because of the negative implications, let's think of it as "a meeting of minds". So, for whatever reasons, certain incidents have expired lately, in addition to being dangerous, it could have an adverse impact on our businesses, that's bottom line.
Phil: I know Vito's bottom was "impacted" if that's what you're referring to
Tony: Call him what you will, but you're talking about one of my captains
Phil: Captain? "The Ship Lollipop" right?
Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: Phil, please
Phil: Please my ass, the man was a fucking disgrace
Tony: Before he came out of the closet he worked for me and put a lot of paper in my pocket, yours too
Phil: Talk about earners? How about "Fat Dom" Gamiello?
Silvio: What about him?
Tony: So what fuck would I know about that?
Phil: As coincidence would have it, he was last seen in New Jersey
Tony: So was the Hindenburg, maybe you should look into that too
Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: Tony, Phil, please we're going off point. Remember, I grew up in all of this and I just lost my friend Rusty and if there's one thing my father taught me was this: "a pint of blood is worth more than a gallon of milk". My business, all of our businesses... this fighting is costing money.
Tony: I'm willingly to move forward, let the past be bygone
Phil: Fine with me.
Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: A Wise decision, on both your parts. I love to see a truce, wipe this day clean. The no-shows, The Wire Room, Vito, put it all behind us.
Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: [to Phil] your brother Billy, whatever happened there.
Tony: [standing up] Alright then
Phil: "whatever happened there.?"
Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: the shooting
Phil: [raising his voice] "whatever happened there.?"
Phil: [Stands up and points at Tony] I'll tell you what happened: this piece of shit's cousin put six bullets without any provocation, what so ever.
Tony: [to Carmine] Jesus Christ, why would you possibly bring that up?

Christopher: [after they watch a rough cut of Christopher's horror film Cleaver, referring to their distain when Kingsley turning down the leading role] Fuck Ben Kingsley, Danny Baldwin took him to fuckin acting school
Carmine: [pats him on his forearm] Very well directed Morgan
Larry: [to Carmine] I think there's potentially more money in this than the porn we've done?
Carlo: [to everybody] So, what'd we think, do we need the extra scene or not?
Christopher: I like it the way it is
Carlo: I don't know Chrissy, these audiences today love blood
Carmine: I'm tending to agree with Carlo, I think one more sexy kill?
Morgan: [to everybody] When Michael follows the guy to the strip club, what if he chopped up one of the women?
Carmine: Who was fate would have it, was at one time Sally Boy's mistress?
Christopher: Two extra shoot days at a minimum
Larry: Yeah, if it buys us a bullshit theatrical release
Christopher: I have to get more money from Tony, I want this fuckin' thing out there

Carmine: [while standing next to Christopher and Morgan, presenting their film] welcome to the premier of Cleaver, the story of a young man who goes to pieces and manages to find himself again. In all seriousness, however, I'd like to say a few words: much like a child, a film has many "parents", that is to say many individuals who "act" like "parents" or that a version, the film is their "baby." I as an Executive Producer is one of those individuals. Two more examples that are here with me tonight, ladies and gentlemen, my co-VP Christopher Moltisanti and our director Morgan Yam

Little: So, the reason I'm here you could probably guess.
Tony: What happened at Coco's restaurant.
Little: This alteration you had with him. You're at the precipice, Tony, of an enormous crossroad.

Rusty: You can't stayed holed up in here, it's not healthy Carmine.
Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: How'd it get to this? Retaliation, counter attacks.
Rusty: We back down, broke it down, what kind of a message does that send?
Eddie: Not just to Johnny's people either.
Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: Billy Leotardo what the hell was that?
Eddie: This Blundetto asshole went "off the reservation."
Rusty: With all due respect Carmine that's why you need to get out there. Put your ear to the street, let the guys see you take the reigns.
Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: That's not how I want to handle it.

'Little' Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: The fundamental question is, will I be as effective as a boss like my dad was? And I will be, even more so? But until I am, it's going to be hard to verify that I think I'll be more effective.

Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: the point I'm illustrate is that of course no one wants "all out" conflict but historically, historical changes have come out of war
Rusty: as far as I'm concerned, it's a "new day", all those treaties and the way of doing things are null and void
Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: exactly
Angelo: and the Joe Peeps "thing"? Where does that leave us?
Rusty: if you've had a quadruple bypass like I did, it gives you a lot of time to think: the only thing Johnny understands is force
Angelo: but the fact is though, we pissed on a bee's nest
Dale: so, what's the other option, roll over?
Angelo: we could've had a sit down, not the captains maybe?
Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: this isn't the UN, Angelo, I won't let what happened to my father happen to me
Rusty: God forgive me but you may be a stronger man than your dad was?
Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: the fundamental question is: will I be effective as a boss as my dad was? And I will be, even more so but until I am, it's gonna be hard to verify that I'll be more effective

Carmine: No, you gotta give him some slack. He hasn't really been boss of a family very long.
Carmine: Family? I told you. They're a glorified crew.
John: Whatever they are, Carmine, the Sopranos bring in a lot of cash.

Alexandra: Dad, that was neat at the end. The creepy figurine and the crucifix.
Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: I'm glad you caught that, Alexandra. Very observant. The sacred and the propane.

Carmine Lupertazzi Jr.: [angrily after learning Phil Leotardo killed Lorraine Calluzzo and her lover Jason] fuckin Phil Leotardo! She told me he warned her about giving us points of her take
Rusty: Phil's a pimp: It's God damn Johnny Sack, it's his message to other captains, that fuckin animal
Angelo: [to Rusty] Take it easy
Rusty: [to Angelo and Carmine] Fuck that! I'm telling you, we go all out and steamroll all over John and I predict guys in the street in Brooklyn and Queens will welcome us as fuckin heroes, it'll be easy