Top 20 Quotes From How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World

Tuffnut: [after Gobber talks about Hiccup and Astrid getting married] Ugh, the M-word.
Ruffnut: Gross. Unless it's me.

Hiccup: There were dragons when I was a boy...

Valka: There are enough cages for all of our dragons.

[to Eret, who walks away]
Gobber: It's not your fault that you have the body of a Norse god.

Hiccup: [to Toothless] I was so busy fighting for a world that I wanted, I didn't think about what you needed. You've looked after us for long enough. Time to look after yourselves.

[last lines]
Hiccup: Legend says that when the ground quakes or lava spews from the earth, it's the dragons letting us know they're still here. Waiting for us to figure out how to get along. Yes, the world believes the dragons are gone, if they ever existed at all. But we berkians, we know otherwise. And we'll guard this secret until the time comes when dragons can return in peace.

Astrid: I am who I am today because of you.

Fishlegs: [to one of Grimmel's men, who is about to attack Meat Baby] I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Snotlout: Who died and made you chief?

Astrid: So, what are you going to do about it?
Hiccup: Probably something stupid.
Astrid: That's the Hiccup I know.

[commenting on Hiccup's plan to save Toothless, Light Fury, and the Berkian dragons]
Ruffnut: This is the best you got?
Hiccup: No, you guys are the best I got.
Ruffnut: Aww...

Young: [Flashback sequence] Dad, are you gonna get us a new mom?
[Stoick hugs Hiccup and kisses his head]
Stoick: I don't want another. Your mom was the only woman for me. She was the love of my life. But with love comes loss, son. It's part of the deal. Sometimes it hurts, but in the end, it's all worth it. There's no greater gift than love.

[after Gobber talks about the idea of Hiccup and Astrid getting married]
Astrid: Not awkward at all.

Hiccup: [to Light Fury, as Toothless plummets from the sky] Save him.

Hiccup: It's you and me, bud. Always

Toothless: Mrooo?
Hiccup: It's ok,*he hugs Toothless* I love you too, and I want you to be free.

[first lines]
[on a Dragon Trapper ship, in a cage, a dragon roars in frustration; Ivar taps on the cage]
Ivar the Witless: Quiet!
[Hiccup comes out of the fog wearing his dragon armor and lights up his inferno]
Ivar the Witless: What are you?
Hiccup: Shh.

Astrid: I thought this was a stealth mission.
Hiccup: They all start out that way.

[Toothless plays with his prosthetic leg]
Hiccup: You do know my leg isn't a chew toy?

[Reaches Toothless to free him]
Hiccup: I'm sorry, bud. For everything.
[Releases him]
Hiccup: [about Light Fury] Now, let's go get her.