The Best Lost, Season 6, Episode 10 Quotes

- A wise man once said that war was coming to this island.
- I think it just got here.

- You need a boat? Can't you turn into smoke and fly your ass over the water?
- Do you think if I could do that,
- I would still be on this island?
- No, 'cause that'd be ridiculous.
- What the hell you going over there for, anyway?
- I thought you were trying to avoid Charlie Widmore.
- They took one of our people, James.
- So I'm going to get him back.

- "Kwon" is one of them.
- Does that mean me or sun? well, Jin, I'm not sure.
- But what it does mean is that the only way we can leave the island is if all the names that haven't been crossed off go together.
- But sun's not here.
- You just take care of that leg.
- I'm workin' on it.

- Sun!
- Sun, wait!

- This for me?
- This is really nice.
- Your bodyguard is supposed to give me some money. Where's Mr. Kwon?
- No English.
- All right, sit down.

- Ok, come on. Ok.
- Hey, be careful with him.
- All right. Ok. the guy can hardly stand.
- Well, what do you expect?

- Where's Sayid?
- Did you lose him, too?
- When you were there, you mentioned that Widmore had someone guarding a room on his submarine.
- Guarding something that he didn't want you to see?
- Yeah, so?
- I don't like secrets.

- Excuse me?
- Anger... happiness...
- Pain.
- I don't feel it anymore.
- Maybe that's best, Sayid.
- It'll help you get through what's comin'.

- It'll take longer to get your point across, but you'll have your voice back.
- I went back to your garden to see if he was there.
- He wasn't but...
- Then I found this.
- That's one stubborn tomato.
- Guess no one told it it was supposed to die.

- I'll take Casanova here to the restaurant.
- And we'll meet there.
- What's he whining about?
- He wants you to promise that you won't tell her father that they are involved.
- Oh, hey, don't worry about that.
- Ok? Your secret is safe with me.
- Ok? Just bring me the money, and we can all live happily ever after, right?

- Sun, come with us, and I'll help you find Jin.
- I'll help you find him, get you both on that plane and as far away from this island as you can get.
- I promise.

- My apologies for everything that's been done to you.
- My name is...
- I know who you are.
- Why did you bring me here?
- We searched the ajira plane, discovered your wife's luggage and found this.
- I thought you might want to have it.
- Go ahead. Turn it on.

- Asked the man who communes with the dead.
- It might be aphasia.
- It's a condition that's caused by trauma and affects the language center of your brain. It's usually temporary.
- Sun. You're gonna be ok.
- What are you smiling about?

- Please proceed to the u. 8. Customs office.
- Money?
- I'm sorry.
- Federal law says we have to confiscate the $25,000.
- Confiscate?
- It means that if you want it back, you're gonna have to fill out the necessary papennork.
- Money. you can exit right over there, sir.

- We have to destroy it.
- Why isn't she speaking English?
- She was hit on the head when she was running away from Locke.
- He came back here?
- What... what did he want?
- What did he say to you?
- You... you understand me?

- I want to talk with Charles Widmore.
- Well, then you're in luck, Mr. Kwon, because he'd like to talk to you, too.
- You a good swimmer?
- Good enough. wrap this in plastic.
- You don't want it to get wet.
- We're taking the outrigger.
- Something wrong, Claire?

- Sayid.
- Sayid. Hey.
- What happened? we were attacked.
- By whom?
- I don't know.
- Where is Jin?

- I think it's time for you to see the package.
- What package?
- It's not a "what."
- It's a "who."
- Did you put my brother in the hospital?
- Such a dangerous world, Sayid, and you know that because you're from Iraq.

- And... there was a mirror, and all around it, there were hundreds of names written down.
- I don't care. I don't care about
- Alpert or being a candidate.
- Sun... there's a reason we were brought...
- I don't wanna hear about how this is our purpose or destiny!
- I just want you to go away and leave me alone.

- John Locke sent me.
- So here's the deal, chief.
- I'll go back over there and tell him the coast is clear, that I didn't find anybody.
- Then I'll bring the old man right to your doorstep.
- And what do you want in exchange, James?
- You give us safe passage off the island.

Martin: [to Jin] I'm sorry. Some people just aren't meant to be together.

- Any one of them could've chosen to come with me.
- And I'm giving you that choice, sun, right now.
- I would never make you do anything against your will.
- I'm asking you. Please.
- Come with me.
- Jin is waiting.

- I checked his room.
- He's not there.
- Check the bathroom.

- Hugo will find him.
- He will track him down and bring him back.
- Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease,
- I'm not sure Hurley can track anything.
- Hey. Don't talk about bacon.
- Jacob has never lied to me before.
- If he said Richard knows what to do, then Richard knows what to do.
- He'll come back.
- And until then, we wait.

- Pack your bags. We're leaving.
- Don't move!
- Let me see your hands!
- Easy, friend. I come in peace.

- Ms. Paik would like to know if there is a problem.
- I'm sorry. I'm showing that your account was closed.
- The balance is zero.

- Want some cocoa?
- Where 'd you find cocoa?
- I didn't. Pretend.

- Everything else I know is a combination of myth, ghost stories and jungle noises in the night.
- I think you know more than that, judging by these pylons.
- Why did you come here?
- You took one of my people, Jin Kwon.
- I have no idea what you're talking about.

- Who are you?
- No English.
- I don't know why you're here, and I don't really care.
- Free.
- Free!
- Free.

- Martin? Who did this to you?
- Look behind you, you idiot.

- What happened?
- You all right?
- I'm sorry, what?
- Sun, slow down. Tell me what happened in English.
- Who did this to you?
- Locke.

- I think so. ok, go get him.
- Now put your damn clothes on.
- She says the money her father gave them was taken at customs.
- That's not my problem.
- She wants you to let them please go to the bank.
- They will get it for you.

- Don't worry about it.
- You're not the first person to tell me to leave them alone.
- Locke... what did he say to you?
- Why didn't you go with him?
- Do you trust me?

- Car crash, banged his head.
- When he woke up, he couldn't talk.
- The guy was frustrated. I mean...
- Who wouldn't be?
- One of the nurses said,
- "just because he can't speak doesn't mean that he can't write."
- Think you could give it a try?

- I ain't iistenin' to nobody. I told you
- I have a deal with Widmore. If you...
- It doesn't matter who you have a deal with.
- I've waited long enough.
- I'm going to find my wife.
- Find her where?
- I'll go back to the temple.
- If she's not there, I'll try the beach.
- But I will find sun, so stop trying to...

- Her name is ji yeon.
- Your daughter.
- I understand you've never seen her before.

- If she may ask, who closed the account, please?
- Looks like... her father.
- Mr. Woo-jung paik had access.
- The funds were transferred to one of his other accounts at our main branch in Seoul.