The Best Lost, Season 6, Episode 3 Quotes

Jack: And you know, before when you... when you thanked me for saving your life, I, I didn't have anything to do with it Sayid. I didn't fix you. They did.
Sayid: I don't care who fixed me. I only care about who I trust.

Jack: Mind giving me and Sayid a minute?
Hugo: Yeah, see, private talks kinda freak me out 'cause they lead me to having to do something I don't quite understand.

- And once it reaches his heart...
- Everything your friend once was...
- Will be gone.
- No, I don't...
- How can you be sure of that?
- Because it happened to your sister.

- Juliet?
- Kate! Hurley!
- Pick him up. Get him to the spring.
- The water isn't clear. What happened?
- You're not saving him!
- You're drowning him!
- Your friend is dead.
- Jack!
- What happened?

- Justin! Shut up.
- What was he gonna say?
- You don't even remember me, do you?
- You don't recognize me?
- Well, maybe this will jog your memory.
- Three years ago, you staged yourself a little prison break, by knocking the guard out with the butt of your rifle. That would be me.

Ethan: You're at thirty six weeks, three centimeters dilated and about 80% effaced, which means, if you want, you can have your baby tonight.
Claire: If I want? So what, you mean, you mean you can stop it then?
Ethan: Maybe. However, to do that would require a number of drugs.
Claire: Drugs? I mean. W-will that hurt the baby?
Ethan: No. They're perfectly safe. I just don't want to stick you with needles if I don't have to.

- Let me go. I will bring him back, and I can make him stay.
- Kate... you sure you wanna go out there alone with these people?
- I'll go with her.
- It's very important that he gets back here safely.
- What makes you think he's gonna listen to you?
- I can very convincing when I wanna be.

- Damn it!
- Please. Please.
- Give me your purse.
- What?
- I said, give me your purse!
- Now get out of the car. can I just get my suitcase?
- No, you can't! Get out of the car!

- Thank you, Jack. for what?
- Saving my life.

- Nothing to worry about. We...
- I'm coming with him.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- We need to talk to him alone.
- Just a few questions. you have a few questions? So do we.
- I mean, let's start with "who are you?
- Why are you holding us here?" You...
- Once we've spoken to Mr. Jarrah, we'll tell you everything you want to know.
- Something tells me that you're not gonna be happy to tell us anything.

- Joan hart. She signed in with you. she was just the cab driver.
- I needed help, and she brought me up here.
- She left after they treated me, though.
- Did she give you any indication where she was headed?
- Why? Is something wrong? no.
- It's nothing for you to worry about.
- Come on. Let's go.

- I'm sorry we had to put you through that. It was a test.
- We had to be sure. test to be sure of what?
- Don't worry.
- You passed.
- I just lied to him, didn't I?

- They caught us... again.
- I don't know. I think they're trying to protect us.
- Yeah, and as you can see, Hugo here has assumed the leadership position, so... that's pretty great.
- What? the wound.
- It's almost completely closed.

- Aaron's a great name.
- I don't know why I said it. It's like...
- I don't know. I knew it or something.
- I think you should keep him.
- Well, good luck. yeah. You, too.

- Hey.
- You mind giving me and Sayid a minute?
- Yeah, see, private talks kinda freak me out,
- 'cause they usually lead to me having to do something I don't quite understand.
- I'm right there with ya.
- It's fine.
- We'll be in the food court if you need us.

- It's a beautiful neighborhood.
- I bet they're a really nice couple.
- What?
- I didn't say anything.
- What, you think they didn't come to the airport on purpose?
- Why would I think that?
- Good, 'cause they didn't.

- Why?! Why are you doing this?
- I don't have any secrets.

- There's not really a literal translation.
- The closest thing would be...
- Infected. infected?
- He's not even runnin' a fever.
- Did I say something funny?
- I doubt it. He doesn't really have a sense of humor.

Sayid: Who are these people? What do they want?
Hugo: It's the Others, dude. They caught us... again. I dunno, I think they are trying to protect us.
Miles: Uh, as you can see, Hugo here has assumed the leadership position so that's pretty great.

- It's the... couple who's adopting my baby.
- They were meant to meet me at the airport, but I guess they got the days mixed up or somethin'.
- It's not like they abandoned me. brentwood's not far. Get in.
- Seriously?
- Do you want a ride or not?

- How are you feeling? a little light-headed.
- What happened to me?
- How is that even possible?
- I mean... one minute he's gone, and now he's fine?
- Of course he's fine. what does that mean?
- He's an Iraqi torturer who shoots kids.
- He deserves another go-around.

- He'll die if you don't... he already died.
- What is in it?
- You just have to trust me.
- I don't trust myself.
- How am I supposed to trust you?
- Let's see where trust gets us.

- He swallowed it?
- What's this? tea.

- Well, I should go.
- Oh, wait.
- Here. Take my credit card. no.
- There's not much of a limit on it, but it's something.
- You don't have to do this.
- You didn't have to do what you did either.

- What are you doing? Move! there's a guy.
- I'm not gonna run him over.
- Hey. I'm walkin' here! I'm walkin' here!

- Where's your tire hammer? tire hammer'll cut off your wrists.
- Your problem is you need a punch press, and you're not gonna be able to use one of those and keep that gun pointed at me.
- You volunteering?
- I got steady hands, but I kinda feel like we got off on the wrong foot.
- I'll give you $200.

- You better not slow us down.
- You better not slow me down.
- I'd go with you, but... but Sawyer would kill you?
- I'll take care of James.
- You take care of Sayid.
- Goodbye.
- Be careful.

- Look, I know I should've called you...
- So, you just changed your mind?
- Look... look, my life is just...
- A little bit complicated right now.
- She came all the way from Australia, and you don't call?
- Oh, my god.
- Are you ok? it's coming!

- It's mine.
- She was sittin' right there, right where you are now, tryin' to leave this place.
- And I convinced her to stay.
- I made her stay on this island
- 'cause I didn't want to be alone.
- You understand that, right?

- Escaping.
- Sayid!
- You ok, man?
- Jack! He's back!
- Sayid, what happened?
- -
- They tortured me.
- Why?
- Don't know. They didn't ask me any questions.

- What is it you want?
- Please, whatever you're thinking of doing...
- What is that?
- Just tell me what you want.

- Which means, if you want, you can have your baby tonight.
- If I want? So what, you mean...
- You mean you can stop it, then?
- Maybe. However, to do that would require a number of drugs.
- Drugs? I mean, will that hurt the baby?
- No, they're perfectly safe.
- I don't want to stick you with needles if I don't have to. So it's up to you.

[Dogen chuckles]
Jack: Did I say something funny?
Lennon: I doubt it. He doesn't really have a sense of humor.

- Is my baby ok?! Is Aaron ok?!
- There he is. Everything is just fine.
- Your boy just likes to move around.
- One hundred and forty bpm.
- Perfectly normal.
- I have a feeling that Aaron is gonna be a handful.
- Now let's see if we can slow this down.
- You did great, mommy.

- And, you know, before, when you...
- When you thanked me for saving your life, I...
- I didn't have anything to do with it, Sayid.
- I didn't fix you. They did.
- I don't care who fixed me.
- I only care about who I trust, so if you want me to take that pill, Jack...

- Now... are you gonna tell me what's in it?
- Poison.

- Go! Go now! lady, I already have a customer.
- Damn it, I said go! ok.
- Easy, easy. Slow down.
- Just slow down. Slow down! ok! You said go!
- Just get us out of here. hey! Hey! Stop the cab!
- Please, please just let me out of... be quiet!

[Kate returns to pregnant Claire the purse and suitcase she stole]
Kate: Where were you going?
Claire: What?
Kate: Before I got in the cab, where were you going?
Claire: Why, so you can hijack them too?

- Easy.
- Right over there.

- You do what you want with him and anybody else.
- But me? I'm walking outta here.
- James?
- I'm gone. You understand?
- Please.
- You have to stay.
- No, I don't.

- But I think some of us are meant to be alone.
- I was gonna ask her to marry me.
- You can probably make it back to the temple by nightfall.

- Who's there?
- You better come out now or so help me,
- I'm just gonna start shootin'.
- What the hell are you doin' here?
- I was worried about you.

- So why the bracelets?
- I'm wanted for murder.
- Murder?
- You don't have somewhere
- I could change?
- Bathroom's over there.
- Make it quick. thank you.

[Kate in handcuffs enters a repair shop aiming the gun at the mechanic]
Kate: Where's your tire hammer?
Mechanic: You've got a problem.
Kate: So do you. Where's your tire hammer?
Mechanic: Tire hammer will just cut off your wrist. The problem is you need a punch press and you're not gonna be able to use one of them and keep that gun pointed at me.
Kate: You volunteering?
Mechanic: I got a steady hand but I kinda feel like we got off on the wrong foot.

Kate: So why do you people want us to stay at the temple?
Aldo: We're protecting you.
Kate: From what?
Aldo: You've been on this island for a while, right? Ever see a big pillar of black smoke, makes a ticka ticka sound, looks pissed off?

Jack: You speak pretty good English for someone who needs a translator.
Dogen: We both know that I don't need a translator.
Jack: Then why do you have one?
Dogen: Because I have to remain separate from the people I'm in charge of. It makes it easier when they don't like the decisions I make for them.

- Will you come in with me?
- Are you kidding me?
- Please, I just... I really don't want to go up there on my own.