The Best Person of Interest, Season 4, Episode 21 Quotes

Harold: Have you forgotten her already? You've already discarded her, and you're a human being. Imagine how quickly that thing that you've created would discard you. Do you ever lie awake at night wondering if one day it will see you as a threat? Or worse, as irrelevant?
John: How arrogant of you to think that any of us are anything but irrelevant.

Carl: Honest about your deceit. How noble.

- We have to find a way to stop this war, Mr. Reese.
- Got a feeling this might help.
- Finch: Hmm. It's some sort of canister.
- I'll look into that.
- In the meantime, I've managed to trace the brotherhood...
- Security transport trucks to a new location.
- Cop: It's the last one.
- Detective: All right.

Harold: It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you.
Admitting: Who exactly is after you?
Harold: The Brotherhood, the federal government. An artificial super intelligence, obviously.
Admitting: What's your name, sir?
Harold: I go by many names. All derived from species of birds.
Root: I'd mark him as a John Doe. He basically lives in the subway.

- Come help me out.
Link: I'll go get the key.
- Listen, I got a little text from thornhill.
- She said I could name my price if I save your ass.
- Hey, thanks for the spa day, sunshine.
- I'm not done with you yet.

- Shaw's phone.
- Finch?
- I have to go, Mr. Reese.
- You'll have to manage Elias yourself.
- Hello?
- Shaw [over phone]: Root, are you there? It's me. I need your help.
- Wait, sameen.

- Or, b, I fall tragically to my death.
- Ah!
- Miss groves.
- You've calculated the wind speed, so you know how treacherous this is.
- You have to ask yourself what's worse: The two of us working together...
- Or me taking this next step alone.

- Now, tell me...
- Who's your informant?
- He has me send payments to this account.
- Your money man can verify.
- We'll be hearing shortly.
- Yeah, Lawrence. What do you got?

- Where is your boss, detective?
- I don't know.
- Truth hurts.
- You want some air, tell me where your hacker boss is.
- Again.
- Wait. Wait. Wait.
- You got...? You got a loofah? Maybe you can wash my back while you're at it.

- But you already know that, don't you, Shelly?
- That's why you keep playing the mother card.
- Did it tell you to do that?
- Did it think...
- That you could handle me too?
- How many agents are you handling for samaritan?

- Stand by for instructions.
- You need to leave, Harold.
- Now.
- Not without you, miss groves.
- You don't have a choice.
- This is samaritan's base of operations.
- We're in the belly of the beast.

Martine: [Referring to Harold] Doesn't look like much of a fighter. Bet he'll die without so much as a peep.
Root: [Martine reaches for Root's hand, but Root grabs her arm and then breaks her neck. Martine falls to the floor] What do you know? Not a peep.

Harold: Ok, don't lose your head, Ms. Groves, this might mean nothing, but they're holding a compact Persian sociopath in room 914.

- Jackson forgot his lunch again today.
- He can eat cafeteria food...
- Because I have got a ton of papers to grade before second period.
- Oh, my god.
- My brakes aren't working.
- -My brakes. Dennis: What?
- What do you mean?
- Dennis!

Root: Isn't it your specialty ? Helping people when the phone rings !

- I don't care what happens to me.
- What did the machine tell you?
- She says it's too dangerous.
- I'm inclined to agree, miss groves.
- This isn't just a rescue mission to save Shaw.
- The machine needs our help too.
- If we don't save them, who will?

- But for others...
- A second chance to live the life they were designed for.
- Every life given a purpose.
- Samaritan will build a new world.
- A better world.
- Too bad you won't live to see it.

- I hate to interrupt this scintillating contest, but I was hoping to find Lenny.
- Thank you.
- Pardon me, Lenny.
- These gentlemen stole your spaceman.
- Liars!
- Orderly: Calm down.
- You stole my spaceman.

- No, no.
Control: Get the body.
- All good, ma'am. Right on schedule.
- Drive.

- Walk away while you still can.
- Reese: The brotherhood.
- Can't say I didn't warn you.
- Hurry.
- Need another way out.
- Just like old times. This way.
- Fool me once, old man.

- All derived from species of birds.
- I'd Mark him as a John Doe.
- He basically lives in the subway.
- Thanks, we'll take it from here.
- Everything's gonna be okay.
- Find Lenny, tell him they stole his spaceman.

- Eleven weeks ago, this second-rate facility...
- Upgraded to a fiber optics network it can't possibly afford.

- I go to the park on my lunch hour.
- I like to watch the artists paint.
- Who do you watch in the coffee shop?
- I'm in that coffee shop at least three times a week. This is just...
- This is some sort of freak coincidence.
- A more pertinent question would be...
- What's a middle-aged caffeine-addicted schoolteacher doing...
- Roaming the halls of the white house?

Samaritan: [text on screen] Willing to exchange lives for location.
John: Samaritan is offering your Machine a second chance to save the lives of its human agents. Give up its location, or they die. The offer expires in 60 seconds.
Samaritan: [starts counting down] 60 seconds. 59 seconds. 58 seconds.
[Samaritan's: still counting down. The Machine's POV from security camera "FAC ALPH 58": "Situation lethal. Time to asset destruction" matching Samaritan's count to milliseconds; "Evaluating strategies" with enumerated options scrolling by rapidly. Samaritan's "asset//722" advances on root with the bone saw]
Root: [to the Machine via its security camera] Don't do it. Please. Don't give yourself up. Harold was right. We *are* interchangeable. You can replace us! You can keep fighting!
[electronics power down, killing the lights and powering down the bone saw, leaving only the displays and camera feeds still on]
The: [displays text on medical screens] You are wrong, Harold. You are not interchangeable. I failed to save Sameen. I will not fail you now.

- Called off my search.
- She needed us, Harold.
- Like she needs us now.
- Isn't this your specialty?
- Helping people when the phone rings?
- That call is most certainly a trap.
- I know.
- But sameen's still alive and I'm going after her.

Shelly: [Voiceover] Go home to your loved ones. Hold your daughter tight, because a new day is dawning. And those who impede progress - the disruptive, the aberrant - will be systematically purged from our society. There will be no mercy. No stay of execution. For some, this will be the end. But for others, a rebirth. A second chance to live the life they were designed for. Every life given a purpose. Samaritan will build a new world. A better world.
Control: Too bad you won't live to see it.
[Shoots her]

- What are you talking about?
- The ferry bombing.
- You sanctioned Nathan ingram's death, along with all the other innocent people.
- Samaritan is planning an attack.
- Attack?
- Is that how you would classify the actions you took to protect your country?
- When?

- This is a restricted floor, doctor.
- Sorry. I was looking for an aspirin stash.
- I have a lower back thing.
- Sameen?

- It's the most secure and it's the only floor without surveillance cameras.
- It's also the only floor with secure elevator access.
- This has to be it.
- I'm searching the electronic charts for a profile that might match sameen's.
- Okay, don't lose your head, miss groves, this might mean nothing.
- But they're holding a compact persian sociopath in room 914.

- If you want, I'll end him first and let you watch.
- Lay a hand on him, I'll kill you.
- Sit back. Relax, honey.
- Or I'll lay more than just a hand on him.
- He doesn't look like much of a fighter.
- Bet he'll die without so much as a peep.

- Please.
- Don't give yourself up.
- Harold was right.
- We are interchangeable.
- You can replace us. You can keep fighting.

- The machine gave up its location to save our lives.
- They're going to kill her, Harold.
- Do you know where they're going?
- I don't know.
- But we have to get there first before it's too late.

- Samaritan is offering your machine a second chance...
- To save the lives of its human agents.
- Give up its location...
- Or they die.
- The offer expires in 60 seconds.

- Bad news, you need a new right-hand man.
- You wanna kill me, go ahead.
- You were always gonna win this war anyway.
- Reese: Kill him, you'll never get the information you want.
- Tell me you have another plan, Elias.
- This is my plan, John. I told you I'd make them answer for Anthony. So tell me...
- How does it feel knowing that you're responsible for your friend's death?

- What do you know? Not a peep.
- Now I surrender.

- Like you turned on your right-hand man?
- Anthony, right?
- How's it feel...
- Knowing you're responsible for your friend's death?
- You really wanna know?
- Be careful what you wish for, Dominic.

- And she burst into a pillar of salt.
- But you can still save yourself...
- If you don't do anything to stop the correction.
- You said yourself, you're good at shutting your eyes.
- Well, the world is about to catch fire.
- Here's your last chance to look away.

Carl: You're calmer than normal, John. Given the circumstances.
John: I took a trip to the mountains, and I saw an old friend. Just reminded me what I've been missing.
Carl: And what is that?
John: Life.

Martine: [Facing Root after running out of bullets] Time to finish what we started.
Root: You read my mind.

Harold: Pardon me. Lenny?
[pointing to the doctors]
Harold: These gentlemen stole your spaceman.
Lenny: Liars! You stole my spaceman!
[Attacking the doctors]

- From now on, they answer to me.
- And you're all gonna tell me how this little symbiotic relationship works.
- How are we gonna know they're telling the truth?
- That's why I invited a mutual friend.
- Sorry, boys.
- But I got an offer I couldn't refuse.

- "At sunrise, 3648 Lafayette Avenue."
- Unless you want Riley here to wipe for you.
- How about you come a little closer?
- I'll settle my own score, John.
- My friends are upset because they've discovered a traitor in their midst.
- Now write "veni, vidi, vici."

Root: [on the phone] Hello?
Sameen: Root, are you there? It's me. I need your help
[breaking up]
Root: Shaw? Wait. Sameen!

- Found this in one of the canisters.
- Date and time of the courthouse hearings.
- Got a rat in our crew.
- He got our boys killed.
- An inside man selling secrets to Elias.

- She held out for a month or two.
- I had to hurt her pretty bad.
- But she broke eventually.
- Lying bitch.
- And by the way, thanks...
- For doing everything she said you would do.

- Have you forgotten her so quickly?
- You've already discarded her and you're a human being.
- Imagine how quickly that thing that you've created would discard you.
- Do you ever lay awake at night wondering if one day it will see you as a threat?
- Or worse, as irrelevant?
- How arrogant of you to think that any of us are anything but irrelevant.