The Best Scandal, Season 3, Episode 7 Quotes

Jerry: You are an asset.
Mellie: I am his wife.

Jerry: [to Mellie] You know, that boy's never been grateful one day in his life for what he's got, what he's been given. He's just too sensitive. He's got too many feelings. And that's why he will never win. Good God, you're a beautiful woman.
[suddenly puts his hand on her knee]

President: [15 years earlier] I won't run on a lie.
Jerry: What else you have to run on? What else have you accomplished? The only other thing you got going for you is that you're my son. That's it. That's all, you are my son - not as smart, not as interesting, but my son just the same. I made you! I could destroy you. So you'll do what you're told, and that's an order!
President: Grants don't take orders.

[last lines]
President: You're not drinking?
Mellie: No. Fitz, don't. No, it's early yet. Don't. Don't get happy yet.
President: You know, if it's a boy, he's gonna make us name it Jerry.
Mellie: Mmm.

Cyrus: Madame Vice President, I know you have a lot on your plate, but funny...
Sally: I thought it was your entire vocation in life to make sure my plate remains empty.

Charlie: [to Quinn] You belong to B-613 now. Welcome to Wonderland.

Jerry: [15 years earlier] A man doesn't a man doesn't need to run away to the Navy to to get away from his daddy! A man stands up. A man does what needs to be done!
President: I stood up! I did what needed to be done.
Jerry: You had no business signing up for black ops missions.
President: I aced flight school, top of my class, and because of you, they had me raising flags and shaking hands. They had me on a desk.
Jerry: You're a senator's son! You had a trust fund. You're a damn Grant!
President: I was given the chance to do something, to fly. And then I was given an order.
Jerry: Grants don't take orders!

Cyrus: [15 years earlier] You want him to be governor? You want him to run the damn country one day? I will hand you that on a platter. You want his hand held or his nose wiped or someone to hug him and tell him that he's great, do it yourself. That's your job.
Mellie: My job?
Cyrus: You're the wife.
Mellie: I'm a lawyer. I'm a partner in a law firm.
Cyrus: That... You'll have to give that up. They told you that, right?

Cyrus: [15 years earlier, with a full beard and tousled hair] Well, he's tall, like you said. That's good. Nice head of hair. Also a plus. And where are we on schooling?
Jerry: Oh, Yale, Rhodes Scholar, Navy, Harvard Law, and...
Cyrus: That'll do. Hold it... The wife is perfect.
Jerry: She's gorgeous, isn't she?
Mellie: Thank you, Mr. Beene.
President: What is this?
Mellie: I think it's our first step to the White House, baby.