The Best Various Quotes

George W. Bush: I'm gonna be around for a long time. On the job, making the tough decisions 24/7. That's 24 hours a week, 7 months a year.

Marty: Bobbi and I once faced the terrors of tripping on pot.

Sean: Knock, knock.
Alex: Who's there?
Sean: Me, the guy who slept with your mother last night!

Langford T. Belmont: So when it comes time to fix that refrigerator magnet or put together a little house of popsicle sticks, you don't want some cheap synthetic glue. You want pure mutilated horse paste.

George H.W. Bush: [training Dubya on how to speak to the press] Now, son, try it again.
George W. Bush: No, you're giving me a headache! Can I just go get a Pop-Tart?