The Best Lost, Season 6, Episode 11 Quotes

- Good morning, Mr. Hume.
- How was your flight?
- Lovely. Thank you. he said to send you right in.
- Thank you.
- Charles. hello, Desmond.
- Welcome to Los Angeles, my friend. thank you.

- I don't even know if she exists.
- She's...
- She's an idea.
- No, Mr. Hume.
- She's my half-sister.
- And I can tell you exactly where and when you can find her.

- Desmond, right? that's right.
- I wonder if you can help me. I need to find someone. He was on our plane.
- He's somewhere in the hospital. wait. He was on our plane, and now he's in the hospital?
- None of this matters!
- None of this matters!
- Sir, please! Stop! take it easy.

- Why, because none of it's real?
- All right, Mr. Hume.
- How about I offer you a choice?
- What's that?
- I can either show you what I'm talking about, or you can get out of the car.
- Why in god's name would I want to get out of...

- Three... two... one.
- And power on.
- We probably got a faulty contact somewhere. Find it.
- Simmons, go check the circuits on the solenoids.
- Yes, sir. try it again.
- Guess what, angstrom?
- You're going in there next.

- This machine is super loud.
- You're gonna want these.
- And you need the button. button?
- Panic button.
- You need to stop, press it.
- Try not to, 'cause we'll have to start all over again from the beginning.
- I'll be in that booth over there. You'll be able to hear me, 30 minutes, ok?

- Twenty minutes, you'll be luxuriating in a five-star hotel, right on the harbor front.
- Charles Widmore, one of the most powerful men in this town, will owe you a favor.
- Doesn't really seem like a choice.
- There's always a choice, brother.

- Boy or a girl?
- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry. no. It's fine.
- I just don't know what it is.
- All right. Well, you're braver than I.
- I'm not a big fan of surprises.
- Excuse me. That's mine.

- To be free of attachments.
- I'm a blessed man, sir.
- No, it is I who am blessed to have you in my employ.
- A drink to celebrate your indispensability.
- That's your 60-year-old scotch, Charles.
- Nothing's too good for you.

- What is Desmond doing here?
- It will be easier for me to show you than to tell you, Mr. Kwon.
- Take him to the generator room.
- I'll be along with hume so we can start the test.
- Charles, that test isn't scheduled till tomorrow.
- I know when it's scheduled.
- Get them ready now.

- What's wrong with you?! Idiot!
- Come on.

- My son died here for the sake of this island.
- Your wife, my own daughter, hates me.
- And I've never even met my grandson.
- But if you won't help me, Desmond, all of it will be for nothing.
- Penny, your son, and everyone else will be gone... forever.

- You looking for some company?
- Well, I noticed that you weren't wearing a wedding band, and there are a lot of lovely ladies offering their... companionship.
- I'm not looking for any companionship.
- I'm here to work.
- Guess that's why you're the boss's right-hand man, and I am the driver.
- Ok. Got it.

- Are you a nurse?
- You're not in the hospital anymore,
- Mr. Hume. We had to move you.
- What? Move me? Move me where?
- Where's my wife?
- No. Wait... you shouldn't...
- I wanna see penny.
- I'm afraid that's not gonna be possible, Desmond.

- No. If you want me to help you with whatever you're doing here, you need to explain to me... that man is the only person
- I'm aware of in the world who has survived a catastrophic electromagnetic event.
- I need to know that he can do it again, or we all die.
- Turn it on.

- How do you know what I want?
- Because I bloody do.
- I need to see that list...
- Or you need to tell me why I can't.
- You can't because you're not ready yet, Desmond.
- Ready? Ready for what?

- What, now?
- I'm a sweaty mess.
- I just fainted in front of you.
- I'd say we're even.
- There's a coffee shop on the corner of sweetzer and Melrose.
- I'll meet you there in an hour. absolutely.

- But as I told you, your...
- Talent is vital to our mission.
- So if you just let me explain...
- It's all right. I understand.
- What?
- I said I understand.
- You brought me to the island to do something very important.
- Yeah. when do we start?

- you were beating the crap out of Widmore with an iv stand, and now you're Mr. Cooperative.
- A lot can happen in 20 minutes.
- Sure, it can.
- That thing fried your brain.
- Did it? whatever.
- Doesn't change that you're gonna...

- It's carousel four. sorry?
- You were on the Sydney flight, right? yeah.
- Our bags are on carousel four.
- I double-checked at the counter.
- Thank you.

- None of this matters.
- All that matters is that we felt it.
- You wanna try and stop me? Good luck.
- Hey. Where you going?
- If I were you,
- I'd stop worrying about me and start looking for penny.

- Charlie! Charlie!
- Come on!

- Foundifl it's a bad breaker on the genny.
- Bringing it back online now. no!
- Oh, my god.
- Are we ready? let's go.

- Excuse me?
- Yeah?
- Are you penny?
- I'm Desmond.

- Do we have full power? yeah, but...
- Let me out!
- Let me out of here, you bastards!
- Let me out!
- Let me out of here!
- Let me out of here!

- Mr. Hume? that's right.
- Bail's all been taken care of.
- He's not allowed to leave the state. right.
- Mr. Pace, I'm Desmond hume.
- Charles Widmore sent me...
- Hey. Where you going?
- He's all yours.

- I'm fine, by the way.
- Thanks for asking.
- And I'm thrilled you survived, Desmond.
- But when I give you a job to do,
- I expect you to do it.
- With all due respect, sir, it's just a bloody concert.
- I'll tell you what, Desmond.
- If you can't deliver pace, why don't you tell Mrs. Widmore it's only a bloody concert?