50 Best Person of Interest, Season 2, Episode 22 Quotes

- Someone's number is on that thing right now.
- It's gonna be erased at midnight.
- Maybe, maybe we can help them.
- I'm not trying to help them.
- I'm trying to help you.
- Thirty-fourth street, ferry terminal,
- 8 am. Tomorrow.
- It's time we tell our side of the story.
- You should be there.

- No offense. Maybe Finch wants control of the machine himself.
- If Finch had something to do with the virus, I'm sure he had his reasons.
- On the upside, hopefully the machine won't have told root where it is either.
- Next time I see that woman...
- I'm shooting her.
- And not in the knee.
- Ghost Alpha kilo. What's that?

- Looks like our carriage has turned back into a pumpkin, Harold.
- Doesn't matter. We made it.
- You can't be in here.
- You have to leave now. What do you...?
- Open the door.
- Are you crazy?
- You'll kill us all.
- No, just you.

Sameen: [Stops a car] Police business, ma'am.
Lady: Let's see your badge.
Sameen: New Yorkers.
[Shoots her gun in the air]

Sameen: Where's Bear?
John: Staying with a guy named Leon. Didn't think you even liked the dog.
Sameen: Like Him? He's the only reason I'm sticking around.

John: [Talking to the machine via a street cam] Give me a location on Finch. You know almost everything that's happening, and you won't tell me the one thing I need?
Sameen: Okay, look, I already broke you out of jail tonight. I'm not springing you from the funny farm.

- Detective Carter?
- What a funny old world.
- Where are we going?
- I don't know.

- Harold, are you okay?
- Is this what you expected?
- It's what I hoped.

Harold: I know you've been looking for the machine. Nathan, if you're trying to get back in to access the irrelevant numbers...
Nathan: It won't work, I know. You locked me out. You were always the better engineer. But I do have one advantage over you. I am the face of IFT, which means when I call a reporter to meet me for coffee, he'll be there.
Harold: What are you going to do, Nathan?
Nathan: I'm going to tell them what we did. What we built.
Harold: No, you can't do that!
Nathan: Why? Because the government will shut it down? Because of the greater good? I'm sick of hearing it.
Harold: No, it's not just that anymore. I've been looking into this. I think the government may be killing them. The engineers that Corwin had reassemble the machine after we shipped it off? There have been accidents, disappearances. The head of the project, a man named Lawrence Szilard, went missing last month.
Nathan: Harold, you have been running so long, it's rattled you. Alicia isn't going to have me bumped off.
Harold: It might be out of her control.

John: The machine said this is where I'll find the answer.
Sameen: What was the question?
John: Where the machine is located.
Sameen: Can't it just tell you?
John: I think Finch programmed it not to, to protect it.
Sameen: No offense. Maybe Finch wants control of the machine himself.
John: If Finch had something to do with the virus, I'm sure he had his reasons. On the upside, hopefully the machine won't have told Root where it is either.
Sameen: Next time I see that woman, I'm shooting her. And not in the knee.

- So root wants access to this machine.
- She says she wants to set it free, but to do that she has to find it first.
- Voice [over phone]: Attention.
- Wait. This doesn't have anything to do with Finch, does it?
- Let's go. Where's this car?

Harold: We gave the government the ultimate power. If they know you've called a journalist, they won't take any chances. They'll kill you and anybody else they think might know about it.
Nathan: You've never trusted anyone. Not me, not the machine. Have you even told your fiancee your real name yet?
Harold: ...I'm waiting for the right moment. Nathan, please, tell me what I can do to stop you.
Nathan: Give me back the irrelevant list. You could even help me.
Harold: What, you and me sitting here, trying to rescue them one at a time?
Nathan: Someone's number's on that thing right now. It's gonna be erased at midnight. Maybe - maybe we can help them.
Harold: I'm not trying to help them. I'm trying to help you.

- Ten o'clock.
- We need to move Reese. Now.
- Voice: Stay.
- We stay. Follow my lead.
Root: Abbreviate audio prompts, please.
- Voice [over phone]: Confirmed.
- And the numbers aren't doing it for me.
- Let's try an ascending tone cue for right, descending for left.

- I wasn't asking you, Harold.
- You want to fill me in on who you're talking to, John? Fairy godmother?
- The group you used to get your intel from.
- You called it research...
- Your ex-boss called it northern lights.
- The ones your pal told me don't exist.
- They exist. They're just an it, rather than a them. A machine.
- You mean an a.I.?

The: [Last lines] Can you hear me?
Root: Absolutely.

- Just like we did with your boyfriend.
- You drag your recovering dirtbag partner into this, we'll pull the ripcord on him too.
- And maybe your kid.
- Now, you're gonna do yourself a favor and sit here...
- And take it.
- That's a good girl.

Special: How did it get moved?
Caretaker: Exactly as you instructed. Over the last five weeks, one node at a time, so it was never off-line. Moved from here in containers marked for fissile materials. To where, I have no idea, which is what I thought was the point.
Special: You didn't think to call to confirm?
Caretaker: I did call. You confirmed it.
Special: [Into his phone] We'll find it, ma'am. With something that large, we'll find a way to track it. I'm sure - Yes, ma'am.
[Passes the phone to Hersh]
Hersh: Yes, ma'am. I'll seal the room.
[Shoots the caretaker, then turns the gun on Special Counsel]
Special: Fair enough.

- Harold?
- Harold?
- Oh, please. I think my fiance was on the ferry.
- Do you know where...?
- Man: I'm sorry.
- This is everybody we pulled out of the water.
- If you don't see him, personal effects will be recovered over there.

- Breach in containment system 4.
- Switching to emergency override.
- Everyone leave now.

- Don't move, you've been in an accident.
- I have to find my friend.
- Woman: Sir, lie still for me, okay?
- You sustained injuries to your neck and lower back. Do you understand?
- Man: Doctor, quickly.
- Don't move. I'll be right back.
- Finch: Nathan?
- It's done. We'll find out if he talked to anyone and take care of them too.

John: [On the phone] Carter, I've been worried. You okay?
Joss: I've been better. But, look, that can wait. I think HR and Yogorov's crew are gonna take out Elias tonight.
John: Elias tried to kill you, Joss. He kidnapped your son. His well-being isn't exactly a priority for me.
Joss: His lieutenant was gunned down this morning. The first thing Elias did was get his bodyguards paroled to watch his man in the hospital. At least he's loyal.

- Now, take the woman.
- Where is it, please?
- Ms. Groves. We have to go.
- Come on. They murdered him, Harold.
- He was our best chance.
- How will we find it now?
- Voices [over phone]: Imminent threat.
- Don't you touch him.

Special: I always knew there was someone behind Ingram. Like a black hole. Invisible, but powerful. So tell me, where did you move the machine?
Harold: It moved itself.
Special: But who controls it?
Harold: As of now, it controls itself.
Special: The numbers, will they continue to come to us?
Harold: That will be up to the machine.
Special: If they don't start up again, the country is defenseless.
Harold: No, just less well-defended. I think we both understand that what's at stake here has moved beyond simply defending the country.
Special: Has it? You built the machine for us to use to protect people. We do, very well. Don't fight us. Help us recover it or rebuild it. You can dictate your terms. You have my word.
Harold: You gave my friend your word. And you killed him.

- I knew you would come, my friend.
- It's time for us to face the music.

- Come on, Harold.
- Time to meet god.
- Please don't set your hopes too high,
- Ms. Groves.
- Hey! You're not allowed in here.
- I said, you're not allowed in...

Root: I thought you said I wouldn't enjoy this, Harold. Sadly, though, if my access to the machine only lasts 24 hours, it's time to go. Your friend John's been keeping up with us. How is that?
Harold: I don't know...
Root: I wasn't asking you, Harold.

Root: Your machine's telling me about all these people, Harold. Their secrets.
- Beginning to understand how you acquired such a dim view of humanity. Wait.
- How rude of me. I can see for the first time and you're blind.
- We'll need some glasses for Harold.
- I'm sure you know his prescription.
- Voices [over phone]: Three o'clock.

- That's the tech guy.
- Nathan ingram.
- He worked with Finch?
- They built the machine together.
- Shaw: There's something back there.

John: You didn't do this yourself?
Harold: I couldn't. I'd locked myself out. The machine was designed to accept alterations in its programming only as a response to an attack. I knew that sooner or later someone would try to take it over, but I didn't know who. So I made sure that when they did they'd do it with my code.
John: You hid a virus within a virus.
Harold: I realized that the people Nathan and I had entrusted the machine to were the wrong people and that the only way to protect it would be to teach it to protect itself. I didn't want to involve you in this business, Mr. Reese, because I had hoped that, if I hadn't returned, you would continue what we had started.

- Shaw.
- You should have killed me better, hersh.

Root: Your machine is telling me about all these people, Harold. Their secrets. I'm beginning to understand how you acquired such a dim view of humanity, Harold.

Detective: So I made my statement. I don't know what else to do. Still no sign of the weapon. You really ought to contact your union rep.
Joss: No. I'll be fine. I know who took the weapon. I recognized one of the unis at the crime scene. He was questioned in the HR sting, but they let him go. Gonna have Fusco have a little talk with him.
Detective: [Changes his tone] That's always been the problem with you, Carter. You - you just never figured out when to keep your big mouth shut. Listen, you always been okay to me, Carter. And frankly, I don't like killing women. You keep digging, we're gonna put you in the ground, just like we did to your boyfriend. You drag your recovering dirtbag partner into this, we will pull the rip cord on him too. And maybe your kid. Now, do yourself a favor and sit here and take it.

- I didn't want to involve you in this business, Mr. Reese...
- Because I had hoped that if I hadn't returned...
- You would continue what we had started.
- That's not good.
- We should go.
- She comes too.
- If we leave her they'll kill her.

- To where, I have no idea.
- Thought that was the point.
- You didn't think to call, to confirm?
- I did call. You confirmed it.
- We'll find it, ma'am.
- Something that large, we'll find a way to track it. I'm sure...
- Yes, ma'am.

Root: C'mon Harold, time to meet God.
Harold: Please don't set your expectations too high.

- Go on, I'll catch up with you.
Root: Stay back.
- Reese: Finch!
- All right, enough.
- I know where it is. I'll take you to it.
- Looks like your friend had a change of heart.

Hersh: Shaw.
Sameen: You should have killed me better, Hersh.
Special: I know it's a minor matter compared to the total and utter catastrophe I'm looking at here, but I didn't think you'd turn traitor, Shaw.
Sameen: That's a strong word to be throwing around given where we're standing.

- What was the plan?
- You wanted to kill people, but we got you.
- Stopped you.
- So it doesn't matter now.
- You may as well talk to me.
- The ferry. Tell me about the ferry.

- Voices: Two hundred yards right.
- In 200 yards, turn right.
- What right, John?
- You gotta trust, Shaw.
- Voices: One hundred yards right.
- This is gonna be a rough landing.

- The name of the man who hired him for northern lights.
- And what was his name?
Root: Lawrence.
- Lawrence szilard?
- Nice to finally meet you, Larry.
- I've got some questions.

- And we have an ongoing situation with some rogue operatives...
- Including your former executive assistant.
- We're concerned northern lights might be compromised.
- And that she might even have full access.
- This is very bad news indeed.
- We go to contingency one.
- No cell phones, avoid all cameras.

- I already did.
- Where are you?
- Please, talk to me.
- You lied to me.
- I believed you. I believed in you.
- Ms. Groves...
- My name is root.

Carl: [Discovers he's been taken out of prison by HR] Oh, that sort of prisoner transfer.
Peter: Heard a story about you, Elias. Your daddy wanted to put you down. He had two of his goombahs take you for a walk in the woods.
Carl: Does this story have a moral?
Detective: Yeah. What goes around comes around.
Carl: No. You don't get to talk to me. I'm true to what I am. Like my friend Mr. Yogorov here. I killed his father. He kills me. Fair is fair. But you, you're a - you're an oath breaker. You're a worm.

Sameen: You wanna fill me in on who you're talking to, John? Our fairy godmother?
John: he group you used to get your intel from. You called them Research. Your ex-boss called it Northern Lights.
Sameen: The ones your pal told me don't exist.
John: No, they exist. They're just an "it" rather than a "them. " A machine.

- Load it on a Van.
- Park it next to Liberty island ferry.
- How would you detonate?
- Man: I am the detonator.
- Suicide bomb.

Carl: [after Carter rescues him from HR] Detective Carter. What a funny old world. Where are we going?
Joss: I don't know.

- We're gonna need another vehicle and a way out.
- This time ask for something fast.
- Reese: Machine says this is the one. Shaw: This better not be another station wagon.
- What's this for?
- To help you feel less inadequate while I drive this thing?

John: Finch, you think we'll ever get another number?
Harold: I don't know. Mr. Reese, I owe you an explanation. And an apology. Three years ago, when I put the code out there to free the machine, I had no idea what path it would take or what unintended consequences it might have. I never intended to hurt anyone, but I accepted that someone might get hurt. I always worried that events that I had set in motion may have... changed things for you.
John: My life changed when I kept my mouth shut at an airport terminal seven years ago. You didn't have anything to do with that. You lost a friend. You did what you had to do.

Sameen: Another pit stop? How often do you guys get a number?
John: Some days, none. Doesn't seem like today's gonna be one of those days though.

- You didn't have anything to do with that.
- You lost a friend.
- You did you what had to do.
- Since the numbers have stopped...
- It's not right you should go on paying me as generously as you are.
- Since you give away 90 percent of what I pay you...
- I don't' see why I shouldn't continue.