The Best Scandal, Season 5, Episode 5 Quotes

[last lines]
Cyrus: The job is Chief of Staff. That's the job. Elizabeth North is terminated immediately. She doesn't transition to another position in the administration. She's gone. I will keep Ethan and Red. I want new carpet in that office. You will issue a full presidential pardon to me for any and all crimes committed in the time of my service to you. It will be signed. It will be sealed. It will be non-revocable. And I *will* keep it secret. That's the deal.
Cyrus: [sitting back down] The situation in West Angola was an urgent and growing threat to the national security of the United States. Your decision to go to war was based solely on a methodical and reasonable assessment of that threat, and was supported by actionable intelligence. You never saw that tape of Olivia Pope. You did not know it existed. You were never aware she was even kidnapped.
President: It's good to have you back, Cy.
Cyrus: I serve at the pleasure of the president. The honor is all mine.
President: Charlotte, please ask Elizabeth North to come to my office.

Cyrus: [to Mellie about the news broadcast] This is amazing. Astounding. Amazing. I don't know how the hell they found out about that ring, but she's actually managed to go from being a slut, to an every-woman, to your sister-wife in under 48 hours. I didn't even know that was possible.

Olivia: [giving a TV interview] If I never laid eyes on him, then I wouldn't have fallen in love and he wouldn't have fallen in love. That may have made for two more lonely people in this world, but also a lot less pain and heartache for many, many others.

[first lines]
Michael: [opening the curtains] What did we say about staying up all night? What did we say about keeping a schedule? Didn't we agree that we felt better when we slept and and took a shower?
Cyrus: [eyes glued to the TV] Shh, shh, shh. I want to hear.
Michael: We talked about this. We talked about keeping it together, didn't we?
Cyrus: We talked about the fact that the senate voted last night. We talked about that this is a remarkable and uncommon day. That is what we did. So now I am not taking my eyes off that TV!
Michael: Alright, it's a bug day, it's your Super Bowl. I get it.
Cyrus: Okay, the Super Bowl that happens every year. This is the moon landing. The Berlin wall is coming down. Hannibal's crossing the Alps. This is the day the Lord has made and he's... made it for me. Do you understand?

President: Impeachable offenses? I knew they were gonna come after me, but...
David: You need a lawyer, Mr. President.
President: I have done nothing wrong, and I certainly haven't committed any impeachable offenses.
David: Do you know what an impeachable offense is? You don't need to spend time thinking about that because the answer is you don't. And I don't mean that disrespectfully. No one does. is whatever a majority of congress considers it to be at a given moment in history.

Leo: The country does not love you because the country does not know you. Unfortunately, if the country *did* know you, they wouldn't be able to love you because nobody loves an entitled, out of touch, card-carrying member of the 1%.
Olivia: I am none of those things.
Leo: Really? Then how do you explain all of this?
[looking in her closet]
Leo: Everything in here is off-limits. From now on, if you cannot buy it at the mall, you cannot wear it out of the house.
[motioning to Quinn]
Leo: Get thee to the galleria.