The Best The Office, Season 3, Episode 3 Quotes

- We can make a difference here.
- I will make a difference here.
- You alone?
- 'Cause I thought together we were...
- Oh, please! Don't be naive.
- But you can be in charge of the women.

- Hey. Hey, Dwight.
- Do you want an M&M?
- No, thanks. I'm stuffed.
- No, seriously, you should have an M&M, they're really good.
- Okay.

Michael: Hug it out, bitch. That is what men say to each other after a fight. They hug it out. And in doing so, they just let it go and walk away. Then they're done. Not a good idea to say that to a woman, however, I have found. Doesn't translate.

Michael: [Michael reveals that he knew about Dwight's meeting with Jan after Dwight badmouthed his Sebring] I know, Dwight, I know. I know, I know.
Dwight: You know what?
Michael: Jan told me about your little meeting.
Dwight: No.
Michael: I know what you did.
Dwight: [voice wavering as he thinks it's partially a result of his comments toward Michael's Sebring] You... The Sebring's cool...
Michael: I made the whole thing up, Dwight!
Dwight: It's cool, the Sebring's cool...
Michael: Oh, do you? Do you like it?
Dwight: ...And has a cassette and a CD.
[Dwight continues backing away from Michael scared]

Pam: I have this little vacuum cleaner that's broken. If Dwight doesn't work out, maybe that can be manager.

Pam: Movie Monday started with training videos.
- But we went through those pretty fast. Then we watched a medical video.
- Since then, it's been half-hour installments of various movies, with the exception of an episode of entourage, which Michael made us watch six times.
- Entourage.

Michael: [to Dwight] No, seriously, you should have an M&M, they're really good.

- Why did you do that?
- I'm just killing Germans any way I can.
- We're on the German team.
- Shoot the British.
- Wait, are we playing teams?
- Yeah.

- Your dentist's name is crentist?
- Yeah.
- Sounds a lot like dentist.
- Maybe that's why he became a dentist.
- Let me see your teeth.
- Let me see them.
- Let me see them.

Andy: [after Jim had just killed him in "Call of Duty"] Why did you do that?
Jim: I'm just killing Germans any way I can.
Andy: We're on the German team. Shoot the British.
Jim: [to Karen] Wait, are we playing teams?

[Employees at the Stamford branch are playing a "Call of Duty"]
Josh: This is not working, okay? We are getting slaughtered out there.
Andy: It's the new guy.
Jim: Oh, I'm sorry, I don't know what we're talking about.
Andy: See what I mean?
Josh: We just need a strategy, okay? We're gonna set up a trap in the gunroom. All right? Jim, are you using the MP40 or .44?
Jim: Sniper rifle?
[Andy and Josh gets upset]
Josh: [shouting] Snipe...
Andy: [shouting] What? Are you playing for the other team?
Josh: [shouting] Jim! In Carentan? You don't snipe in Carentan, okay?
Andy: [shouting] It's saboteur! Saboteur!
Josh: Andy, it's not...
Andy: I'm gonna kill you for real. This game, the game is over. I'm really going to shoot you.

Dwight: Reject a woman, and she will never let it go. One of the many defects of their kind. Also weak arms.

Jim: At the Stamford branch, they all play this World War II video game called Call of Duty, and they're all really into it. I'm told it started as a team building exercise. Unfortunately, I really suck at it. We didn't play many video games in Scranton. Instead we'd do stuff like, uh, Pam and I would sometimes hum the same high pitched note, and try to get Dwight to make an appointment with an ear doctor. And, uh, Pam called it Pretendenitus.

- Jim! In carentan? Are you playin g for the other team?
- You don't snipe in carentan, okay?
- It's saboteur! Saboteur!
- Andy, it's not...
- I'm gonna kill you for real.
- This game, the game is over.
- I'm really going to shoot you.

- "Hug it out, bitch."
- That is what men say to each other after a fight. They hug it out.
- And in doing so, they just let it go.
- And walk away, and they're done.
- Not a good idea to say that to a woman, however, I have found.
- Doesn't translate.