The Best The Sinner, Season 2, Episode 2 Quotes

- Promises you things before they even know you.
- Is that something your mother told you?
- My mother can read minds.
- She told me all about you.
- Did she tell you to change your story?
- I don't want to talk anymore.

- It's easier to experience than it is to explain.
- We all have a shadow.
- All the good and bad inside that we try to hide.
- We shine a light on that shadow.

- Detective.
- They weren't coming back, were they?
- Jes.
- We need to talk.
- I think we're done here.

- We prefer to help him.
- People deserve a second chance.
- Will we get to see that area?
- What is it by the way?
- That's our garden.
- You support yourselves with that?
- We grow most of what we need.

- He's a happy child.
- Any aggressive behavior?
- I think you should tell me what happened.
- We found the bodies like this.
- The blankets.
- The positions.

- You know,
- Bess was wearing a necklace almost exactly like that in the photographs up at the main house.
- You aren't stealing from the dead, are you?
- No.
- She gave it to me.

- Some local guys beat them up and then they retaliated.
- So it's true?
- That kid's from Mosswood?
- Jeannie, we can't really talk about cases while they're being investigated.
- I wondered when they'd miss me.
- This is home base checking in.
- I'll be a second.

- I bet it's way more interesting than anything we do.
- So let's go.
- What do you mean?
- Let's sneak on.
- Are you serious?
- Yeah, I'm dead serious.
- Oh, my God. I love you.

- What the hell are they doing?
- We are so sorry.
- We know we're trespassing.
- We're really sorry.
- It was a mistake.
- We'll leave.
- Marin.
- Come sit with us.

- I like your necklace.
- Thank you.

- Stop that.
- What?
- You're staring.
- He is staring at me.
- So what?
- Marin, that's your mother's.
- Well, yeah.
- Exactly. Good riddance.

- This is where
- Bess and Adam slept.
- These are their things.
- We'll burn anything you don't want.

- That's always a possibility.
- Whatever it is you think you'll find here...
- I can tell you right now, that you're wrong.
- I hope so.
- Trust me, Detective,
- I know where the monster is.

- Adam woke up and he took me to the breakfast bar.
- Can you tell me what you did there?
- Yes.
- I ate breakfast.
- And I went back to the room.
- What about the tea you made?

- There's someone
- I want you to meet.
- You wanna come?
- Yeah. Sure.
- Marin, I think we should go.
- Just give me a minute.
- Marin.

- and I know what your son is accused of.
- And frankly,
- I have more confidence in foster care right now than I have in you.
- Come back when you're prepared.
- Next docket, 4565.
- 4565.

- I gave the tea to them.
- Where are all of
- Julian's things?
- Oh, my God.
- What kind of parents go on a trip and don't pack a bag for their kid?
- The boy who was taken into custody,
- I need to know where he's being held.
- I'm his mother.

- Keller PD.
- This way.

- There's nothing on Osborn Road except for this one place.
- At least 30 other people live there.
- It was a retreat center that went out of business in the '90s, and then these people bought it and tried to turn it into some kind of utopian community or something.
- It's called Mosswood Grove.

- How long had they lived here?
- Adam only a few months.
- Bess has been here since her early 20s.
- The work completely transformed her.
- I saw it myself.
- So when you talk about
- "the work," what does that mean exactly?

- My mom, she's,
- I don't know.
- She had me when she was way too young and she's just annoyed, like, my entire existence is a giant cockblock to her.

- Shit.
- Tell him, "No comment."
- No comment.
- It's all I got for you.
- No comment.
- Oh, shit. Mother...
- Shh! Shh! Shh!
- Ow! Ow! Ow!

- Thank you.
- This whole trip-to-Niagara-Falls story is a hoax.
- Okay, hey.
- Did you find what you were looking for?
- Well, it's never what you expect, I guess.
- Just keep walking.

- Mom?
- Mom?

- My beautiful boy, it's okay.
- It's okay.
- It's okay. I missed you. Okay.
- It's okay.
- Shh.
- I need you to listen to me.
- Okay.

- When would that have been?
- Before she left.
- Oh. It's a special gift.
- Why would she do that if she were only gonna go for a couple of days?

- Yeah.
- I'm fine.
- I don't like this Mosswood stuff.
- I don't want it opening old wounds.
- I'm fine, Dad.
- Don't worry.

- "He's crazy," is that what you're thinking?
- Or he's been abused.
- Or I pumped him full of Adderall and fed him junk food and video games.
- Or maybe he's just evil, is that it?
- My son is so far beyond anything you can understand.
- You have no idea.

- So we better keep our eyes open.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
- I don't know.
- Makes sense to me.
- You sacrifice a thing that's holding you back.

- Adam and Bess are lovely, but they're...
- They're absent-minded.
- I called them about it.
- We decided that they'd pick up a few things for him along the way.
- All right, let's take a look.
- We'll find something that fits in here.