The Best Twin Peaks, Season 1, Episode 8 Quotes

- I can't understand a word you're saying, you have a thing in your mouth.

- and he's got the drop on Harry.
- Harry is deader than a pound of roadside stew.
- Then all of a sudden, a single shot rings out.
- All: All right.
- Hawk: Andy, my man.
- All right, Andy.
- Go ahead, Andy, give it your best shot.
- Go on.

- After me.
- Ha-ha-ha.
- Excuse me.
- Benjamin horne here.
- Time to black flag that little firebug.
- Leo Johnson's gonna get a house call.
- Proceed.

Catherine: Who are you?
Shelly: Shelly Johnson.
Catherine: Do you know who called me here?
Shelly: No! I don't know anything, just please help me!
Catherine: Be quiet... I'm thinking...

- Come in.
- Turn around.
- Yes, very nice.
- Come over here.

Special: [Talking to tape recorder] As you can hear from the ambience sound around me, and I notice with some relief, that the icelandic group staying on my floor has either checked or passed out.

Hank: It's at the mill.
- What is?
- What you're looking for.
- Drying shed 3, near the north gate.
- Guess I'll look in the other room.
- What do you want? Talk terms.
- We'll let you know.

- Heart attack?
- He said he saw Laura Palmer tonight.
- James, what kind of dangerous game have you been playing?
- Is Jacoby gonna be all right?
- I've been very patient with you,
- James.
- From here on out, I'm gonna need a better set of answers.
- Let's start with why this was in the gas tank of your bike.

[of Jacques Renault]
Sheriff Harry S. Truman: Do you believe him?
Special: He's too stupid to lie.

- Exactly.
- Because I'm in trouble.
- And given what I've become and the way I've treated people, there's no one else I can turn to.
- I need your help.
- Catherine. Catherine.

- Can do, cappy.
- Got a trout on the line, hawk.
- This one's a keeper.
- Man: I'm just gonna sit right here, okay?
- Woman: Come here, sweetie.
- Man: Look, we got all night, baby.

- The owner's coming by tonight, he likes to spend some time with all the new girls.
- Who's that?
- No names, child.
- You don't offer and you don't ask.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Pick a card.

- Man 1: Red 36.
- Woman: Sorry, I guess our date's off.
- Sir, are you absolutely sure you want another card?
- Yes, please.
- Twenty-one, can you beat that?
- Mother always said I was born lucky.

- Hit it again.
James: There's gotta be a way to turn it off.
- My little coconut.
- James.
- Laura said something on her tape about a coconut.
- Oh, my god. The necklace.

- You hear that?
- You've got about one hour to think about what you've done to me.
- And think about it.
- Because by then
- Bobby Briggs is gonna be dead.
- You broke my heart.

- But I'm gonna try Norma.
- You know, it's 20 years we've been together next month.
- Can you believe it?
- Maybe we're doing this all backwards.
- Maybe it's the next 20 that counts.
- Give me time, Norma,
- I'll make you proud of me yet.

- Oh, Andy.
- Oh, punky.
- I'm pregnant.

- I'm sorry. Excuse me.
- Leland, there's nothing you can do here.
- You should be home with Sarah now.
- Well, yes, you're right.
- Of course, you're right.
- You going back to the hospital?
- No. I'm heading home.
- Thank you, will.
- Don't give it a thought.

- Who are you?
- Shelly Johnson.
- You know who called me here?
- No, I don't know anything, please help me...
- Be quiet, I'm thinking.
Shelly: Oh, god.
- Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, god.

- Seen Catherine?
- No, Pete.
- That's her car.
- Jesus god, you think she's still inside?
- I guess I'm gonna have to find out.
- Man: Pete, that ain't such a good idea.
- She's still my wife.

- Jacoby: Okay, Laura, this is where you shot that video.
- Now just tell me, tell me why you sent me to sparkwood and 21?
- Oh, my god.

- as a purely precautionary measure.
- I ordered some hot milk from room service.
- Hoping that does the job and I'll be able to catch a few hours of quality sack time.
- Twenty-four hour room service must be one of the premier achievements of modern civilization.

- James.
- It's okay, I'm glad I heard her say it.
- I'm glad.
- I might have gone my whole life...
- I'm sorry you had to hear that.
- I'm okay.
- Jacoby didn't kill her.
- He was trying to help her.
- Then how'd he get the necklace?

- Enjoy, my friend. Enjoy.
- To ghostwood estates and country club.
- Congratulations, boss.
- Blackie, old pal, this calls for a celebration.
- Let's have a look at the new girl.

- You got a twenty on agent Cooper?
- Hawk: He's downstream about ten minutes.
- He 7! Probably miss the catch, but he'll be there when we grill him.
- Truman: Copy that.
- We'll make our move as soon as the big fish shows his fins.
- Ready, Andy?
- Andy: Ready, Harry.

- Where should we start?
- Maybe this is something.
- Umbrellas?
- The kahala Hilton, July 1969, men on the moon.
- August 9, 1974,
- I first lay eyes on mimsi.
- Weird.
- Yeah. Heh.

Hank: [looks at the briefcase containing $90,000] It's all here. Pretty generous, Josie. Sitting in that concrete box all that time, 90 grand seemed like all the money in creation. Kept me going. It's a funny thing. Back in the world, I don't know... it seems kind of light.
Jocelyn: We had an agreement.
Hank: I've been going over this in my mind and... see, if you could follow my thinking, we're all born into life and we have a certain number of years to move and breathe and have our being. That's from a book on Oriental philosophy I read while I was in the joint. And maybe somebody somewhere knows how much time we have left in this world to live. I don't, do you? So, when a man like me gives up a certain portion of his life, 18 months for instance, how does he place a value on that time? 18 months, $90,000, what's that? Five thousand a month? Well, that's not bad if your going to live another 40 or 50 years. But what if you got another 20? Or ten? Or some unforeseen event was to kill you tomorrow? As in the case of the boating accident that killed your late husband, Andrew Packard? Or say you just got out of prison, where you went in for vehicular manslaughter as part of an agreement to avoid being implicated in the commission of a much greater crime. Murder. For which in fact you were responsible. But now there's this threat, this possible threat, that could be discovered. And in one stroke, five, 10, or even 15 more years of your life could be cut right out from underneath you. So I've been asking myself: "what does that do to the market value of 18 months?" Huh?
Jocelyn: [more firm tone] We had an agreement.
Hank: And we still do, sweetheart. Signed, sealed, and delivered. And I'm gonna take care of everything we agreed to with Catherine Martell and the sawmill. See, you want a lot for your money. And I want a lot for my time. You know there's a saying in the joint. It's not Oriental philosophy, but it has a similar kind of logic that appeals to my spiritual nature. Once you're in business with somebody... you're in business with them for life. Like a marriage. Til death do you part.

- Maybe later.
- Thanks for asking.
- This is for you.
- I'm a friend of Leo's.
- Who's Leo?
- Buy you a cocktail, Jacques?

- Hawk: Uh-oh.
- Fresh coffee.

- Leo, man, am I glad to see you.
- Was there something
- I could help you with?
- Actually, it's you I was looking for, the cops, man, they're after you.
- Liar.
- Shelly's dead. You killed her.
- Aah! Unh!
- No, Leo.

- You know, there's a saying in the joint.
- It's not oriental philosophy, but it has a similar kind of logic that appeals to my, uh, spiritual nature.
- Once you're in business with somebody, you're in business for life.
- Like a marriage.