The Best Santa Clarita Diet, Season 1, Episode 10 Quotes

Joel: I made you a smoothie from the last of that Porsche guy.
Sheila: I thought I finished him?
Joel: Nope. I found a bag of his face behind the ice cream.

Sheila: [Toasts with Serbian brandy] To the Baka's family!
Mrs. Bakavic: No. I finish.
Sheila: Oh, really? God, I'm just getting started. I guess American women are better drinkers than Serbian women.
Mrs. Bakavic: American women only good at one thing: boo-hoo about sex with boss!

Joel: What won't we do?
Sheila: I don't wear fur, and I won't eat people's buttholes.

Joel: So there's not a cure, and the partial cure might not even work because we're too late, and Sheila's not a rat. But the good news is I get to make an elderly woman throw up in a bucket, which might be a turn-on for some people, but it's not my thing. Yet! Who knows? The night is young!